interpretive analysis

Complete Interpretive Soil Analysis - Every crop begins in the soil. Many years ago, Marc was mentored by an agronomist who introduced him to Dr. William Albrecht and his soil balancing method. This method has proven to be invaluable in helping grow…

soil analysis

Every crop begins in the soil. Many years ago, Marc was mentored by an agronomist who introduced him to Dr. William Albrecht and his soil balancing method. This method has proven to be invaluable in helping growers whose soil no longer responds to increased fertilizer application rates. Soil nutrient balance starts with the cation exchange capacity and includes adjusting the major cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) based on the soil CEC. Working together, we will return balance to your soil to help to ensure your crops’ success!

Complete Interpretive Plant Tissue Analysis - If your plants could talk, what would they say to you? It’s good management practice to sample plant tissue at least twice a growing season for permanent crops. The information the plant relays through t…

Plant tissue analysis

If your plants could talk, what would they say to you? It’s good management practice to sample plant tissue at least twice a growing season for permanent crops. The information the plant relays through the make-up of it’s plant tissue is an indicator of what exactly the plant needs to finish the crop well. Working together, we will listen to what your plants are saying to help ensure your crops’ success!

Complete Interpretive Water Analysis - Plants drink their meals and water is their favorite mixer to provide their mineral nutrient diets. However, not all water has the same compounds. It takes three to five acre-feet of water to grow your crops we…

water analysis

Plants drink their meals and water is their favorite mixer to provide their mineral nutrient diets. However, not all water has the same compounds. It takes three to five acre-feet of water to grow your crops well. When we identify contents your water, we better understand how that mineral nutrient cocktail you are giving your plants is being received and whether it is beneficial or degradational to your soil and plant health. Working together, we can give your plants the drink they are craving to ensure your crops’ success!

Complete Fruitlet Analysis - In addition to plant tissue analysis, fruitlet analysis provides you, the grower, with supplemental information on the status of the growing crop. The picture this testing provides, allows us to adjust the nutritional pl…

fruitlet/fruit analysis

In addition to plant tissue analysis, fruitlet analysis provides you, the grower, with supplemental information on the status of the growing crop. The picture this testing provides, allows us to adjust the nutritional plans for finishing this year’s crop with the exact nutrients needed for your crops’ success!

Complete Almond Hull - In order to maintain high yields in the competitive almond market, it’s critical to know what the Boron levels are in your crop. Almond hull sampling will tell us the Boron value contained in the hull - and if it’s in the hull…

Almond Hull analysis

In order to maintain high yields in the competitive almond market, it’s critical to know what the Boron levels are in your crop. Almond hull sampling will tell us the Boron value contained in the hull - and if it’s in the hull, it’s in the crop! Working together, we will come up with a customized plan that ensures your almond crops’ success!

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