From the desk of Marc Suderman…
The last three issues of SoilMatters have dealt with some key details to be aware of when soil samples are collected and sent to the lab for analysis. First, the lab extraction methods are important for accurate nutrient and pH measurement. Second, the extraction methods should be standardized in order to limit the variables being measured. Next, the Base Saturation Cation Percentage and the Cation Exchange Capacity are critical calculations for achieving cation balance, a stable pH resulting in improved water and nutrient use efficiency.
If the population value increases, that means the microbes are reproducing because there is available “food” to sustain microbial life. Soils that are imbalanced hold cations tightly with limited release and therefore provide only limited amounts of “food” to support microbial activity. When there is limited microbial activity, there is limited nutrient release and availability to plant roots for uptake to support crops.
Figure 1, shows a DSHR where the microbial population declined from 0.8 to 0.6, over seven days. This verifies that the soil needs better cation balance, it also needs soil inoculation with organic acids to supply a microbial energy source which in turn will stimulate increased beneficial microbial activity.
Finally, the DSHR also accurately measures soil nitrogen release. Soil microbial nitrogen release activities can contribute significantly to nitrogen availability. Nitrogen that has been microbially processed is a “bio-available” form of nitrogen that is non-fixing and non-leaching.
Visit me at or email me directly at I have some information to share with you and help you start improving your soil health.
Here’s to your crops’ success!